Open Records - Guide To Hawaii'S Uniform Information Practices Act - Office Of Information Practices - 2015 Page 22


Illustration: Records or Information Compiled for Law
Enforcement in a Pending or Prospective
Law Enforcement Proceeding
A c c e s s t o i n v e s t i g a t i v e r e c o r d s b e f o r e a n
i n v e s t i g a t i o n i s c o n c l u d e d c o u l d f r u s t r a t e
a legitimate government function where (1) the
target of the investigation could obtain premature
access to the government’s case; (2) witnesses could be
subject to reprisal or harassment; (3) evidence could
be destroyed; or (4) witnesses could become unwilling
to provide information to the agency.
Exception 4 – The Law or Order Exception
(HRS § 92F-13(4))
An agency may withhold access to records that are protected from
disclosure by a state or federal law or by a court order, such as tax
return information required to be kept confi dential by statute. The
term “law” does not include administrative rules, county charter
provisions, or mayoral orders.
Exception 5 – The Legislature Exception
(HRS § 92F-13(5))
Legislative committees may withhold their draft working papers
and work product; legislative investigating committees may
withhold their records or transcripts protected by legislative rule;
and legislators may withhold their personal fi les.
- J


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