Ibps So Marketing Exam Template With Answers Page 36


IBPS SO Marketing Set
Option C
Average percentage of marks of C= 680/1000 × 100 = 68%
Percentage of marks of C in English = 150/200 × 100 = 75%
Required difference = 75 – 68 = 7
Option A
Option A
Average percentage of marks in English
= (140 + 130 + 150 + 125 + 145 + 110) / 6 × 100 / 200
= 67%
Option C
Ratio of their shares = 22500 : 35000 = 9 : 14
Deepak’s share = Rs. [13800 ×
] = Rs.8400
Option E
A : B : C = (25 lakhs × 1) + (35 lakhs × 2) : (35 lakhs × 2 + 25 lakhs × 1) : (30 lakhs × 3)
= 95 lakhs : 95 lakhs : 90 lakhs = 19 : 19 : 18
Option D
Suppose B invested Rs. x for y months. Then, A invested Rs.3x for 2y months.
So, A : B = (3x × 2y) : (x × y) = 6xy : xy = 6 : 1
So, B’s profit : total profit = 1 : 7
Let the total profit be Rs. x. Then,
or x = 28000
Option A
A : B : C = 27000 : 72000 : 81000 = 3 : 8 : 9
So, C’s share : total profit = 9 : 20
Let the total profit be Rs. x. Then,
or x =
= 80000
Option C
, A’s share = Rs. [z ⎯ ] = Rs.
Let the total profit be Rs. z. Then,
B’s share = Rs.
So, A : B =
= 1 : 2
Let the total capital be Rs. x and suppose B’s money was used for x months. Then,
y = [
] = 10
Thus, B’s money was used for 10 months.
Option A
A : B : C = 35000 : 45000 : 55000 = 7 : 9 : 11
A’s share = Rs. [40500 ×
] = Rs.10500
B’s share = Rs. [40500 ×
] = Rs.13500
C’s share = Rs. [40500 ×
] = Rs.16500
Option E
The word ‘SOFTWARE’ contains 8 different letters.
When the vowels OAE are always together, they can be supposed to form one letter.
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